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I’ll Stick to the Old Fashioned Way

March 23, 2011

Folk superstar Mr. Mario Cuozzo performing “I’ll Stick to the Old Fashion Way” at First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana during the Sunday School service on 27 February 2011… that’s right: 2011.

Anyways, as the charisma pours off of him, Mr. Electricity manages to take a swipe at secular views on the Bible, correlate the main chorus with Jonah, decry evilution, and send a shout out to the KJV in just 2:35.

I was hoping for one more verse on the SBL and methodology. Alas, it never came. 😉


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  1. Dave permalink
    March 23, 2011 7:24 pm

    Why do I listen to these songs when you post them? I should know by now that they’ll just become a dark, evil insanity going endlessly over and over in my head… “I’ll stick to the Old Fashion Way”… “I’ll stick to the Old Fashion Way”… “I’ll stick to the…

    Help. Me.

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