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Jesus and the 3 Days Rule

May 5, 2009

Who knew that such quality exegesis was being broadcast on American television? Move over Joel Osteen, Barney Stinson shows a better grasp and understanding of the Bible than you ever have…

If you’re short on time you can jump by the first 60 seconds and then watch to the end of the video:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

“…and FYI that’s when he created the high-five.” Classic.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. May 5, 2009 9:06 pm

    I’m pretty sure I should be offended, but I’ll have to stop laughing first…

    Is it better or worse if the blasphemy is entertaining?

  2. May 10, 2009 12:52 am

    Hmmmm, what is “blasphemy”?
    Etymology” from βλάπτω = “I injure” and φήμη = “reputation”
    Every faith protects itself with injunctions against blasphemy.
    Blasphemy making fun of what is precious to us.
    If we can’t do that, we are hiding something.

  3. May 24, 2009 8:18 am

    Blasphemy. making cheap the penal substitution; Jesus’ death on the cross taking the punishment for our sin. Making light of the work of our Savior on the cross co-mingling it with sin. This is detestable

  4. Mike Gantt permalink
    April 24, 2011 11:26 am

    Blasphemy against God has become so commonplace that it hardly seems blasphemous to us. But it is.

  5. April 24, 2011 1:25 pm

    Just went for a walk and no she-bears attacked me or lightning struck me, so apparently Jesus has a sense of humour and doesn’t find this offensive!

  6. Mike Gantt permalink
    April 24, 2011 1:42 pm

    God is not self-centered such that He would take blasphemy as a personal offense. Rather, the harm of blasphemy is that it corrupts the proper conception of God among humanity such that onlookers are discouraged from trusting Him, and are thus deprived, to that extent, of His benefits. Blasphemy may be directed toward God but it’s real harm is to people.

    Who, watching that skit, is drawn to trust Jesus? Thus His name was used in vain – that is, to no good purpose. That you or I could watch it without losing faith is fine, and that God could watch it without losing His good humor is fine, but where our minds should be is on the people who watch television where the only references to Jesus that are allowed are the ones devoid of any genuine devotion to Him. How will people learn to take Him seriously and lovingly if the only references they hear of Him are humor, cursing, or satire?

    You and I may both disagree with much of Joel Osteen’s teaching, but he is at least proclaiming Jesus in a respectful way which is far more than you can say about this clip.

    • April 24, 2011 1:53 pm

      In my opinion Mike, it is Joel Osteen, and many others of his ilk, who actually take Jesus’ name in vain with their false promises and snake-oil salesmanship in which ‘Jesus’ is used for profit.

  7. Josh permalink
    April 24, 2011 8:47 pm

    Hrmph. I always thought Blasphemy was defined as claiming that something which is the work of God is really the work of Satan when you know better (or should know better, or something like that.) I hardly think this would qualify as blasphemy.

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