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Jesus Appears In A… Cushion?

March 18, 2009

Through the last few years Jesus and his mother have been engaged in an epic public battle as to who can “appear”  to their loyal followers the most often, and apparently since they have eternity on their hands the shenanigans between Jesus and his Mom will continue.

A few weeks ago Mary appeared in some ice.  As usual, Jesus did not wait very long to respond to her challenge; because you know he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, so he’s quite reliable in that fashion!

Face of Christ ‘appears in cushion’ at Jesus-Misericordieux church Reunion

From correspondents in Saint Denis, Reunion|Agence France-Presse|
March 15, 2009 11:06am

jesusfacecushionTHOUSANDS of people have flocked to a Roman Catholic church on the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion after believers said they saw the “face of Christ” in the pleats of a church cushion.

Church officials limited access to the Jesus-Misericordieux church in eastern Saint-Andre’s Cambuston district to a few minutes per visitor as traffic in the area ground to a halt.

Believers and curious onlookers pulled out cameras to take pictures of the cushion attached to the priest’s chair.

Antoinette, an 82-year-old parishioner, said the face was a “divine phenomenon” as tears welled up her eyes.

“This church is a holy site,” added Lise-May, another worshiper.

Saint-Andre authorities put up four tents outside the church on Saturday afternoon so the faithful could follow mass.

A group of about 30 parishioners who had joined a Christian ceremony ahead of the Easter holiday had been the first to notice the particular setting of the cushion.

“This is not a miracle, it’s a sign of God,” said parish priest Daniel Gavard.

Hmmm.  A sign from God is it?  What is God trying to say?

He wants us to sit in comfort when we go to church? For us to get rid of uncomfortable wooden pews? Or should we just have divinely comfy pillows for those pews?

Questions that demand an answer.

Anyways, as usual, when Mary responds in the next several weeks by appearing in something we’ll try to figure out what she might be saying or how J to the sus might respond.

And as always my prayer:  Jesus and Mary should you decide to ever bring your contest to my household:  Please, reveal yourself to me in a non-perishable item of great value!  A very large chunk of gold would be preferred, or a softball sized diamond.  I’ll let you decide.  Amen.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Dave Down Under permalink
    March 19, 2009 3:35 am

    Hmmmm, why ever would unchurched people accuse Christians of being gullible and superstitious?


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