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Scamvangelist Creflo Dollar: Beware the Facebook Curse!

November 16, 2012

Stunning pulpit vomit from scamvangelist Creflo Dollar’s ‘preaching’ as he warns his congregation that “a curse” will come on them if they say bad things about the appointed men of God who have fallen into sin. Where does this curse come from? Writing things on Facebook and Twitter.

What a bunch of abusive shit. The Facebook curse? Really? The Twitter Curse? How mentally and emotionally stunted would you have to be to believe this manipulative crap? Don’t say anything when someone steals your money with lies. No, instead “cover them.” Don’t say anything when the “appointed man of God” sleeps with your wife. No, instead “cover them.” Manipulative, fear-mongering, bull-shit! The Facebook curse…

But why does Creflo say things like that? Because it’s important for his scam to ensure he has a bully pulpit to fleece his mindless congregation.

One of the greatest scams in North America is the prosperity gospel: God wants you to give me money (lots of money!) and if you do: God will bless you extravagantly. If you can convince people of this then your earning potential is greatly increased.

However, before you can scam people out of gobs of money–tax-free of course, another great aspect of the awesomeness of this scam–there are some key ingredients that the scamvangelist needs in order to help him or her fleece the sheeple.

A handful of bully pulpit. First, like the above video, socialize the sheeple into subservience. Teach them not to question the “Man of gawd.” Teach them not to question your teachings. Teach them not to “Touch the Lord’s anointed.” Teach them that it is a sin to question anything you say. Get real uppity about it: passive-aggressive behavior and threats work real well on the emotional and mental health of people who see you as the “man of Gawd.” It is an effective means to bully your way into people’s wallets.

A dash of biblical illiteracy: This is a must for the hawker of heavenly riches. People must be unaware of large portions of their Bible, and most of all, must be completely unaware of the context of their Bible–they need to have a little awareness so the scamvangelist can say, “Just like David” as if it settles his point, as if there’s nothing else in the Bible. They mark needs to be completely ignorant of their own presuppositions, and not know that “money” and “needs” meant something entirely different during biblical times than it does in our opulent society. This is important because from their marks ignorance the prosperity pimp can then use the Bible to convince greedy sheeple that God wrote the Bible to them–just to them–to tell them how he wants to make them rich… because it’s a biblical principle.

A dollop of lack: This is, in my estimation, the most important ingredient in many recipes of the prosperity gospel: creating a sense of lack in the victim. This is where the skill of the con-man comes into play. You have to convince the mark that God is holding something back on them. This is insidious in its brilliance, and made easier in our materialistic society characterized by the social attitude of relative poverty. When you can take people who are in the top 1% of income earners in the world, and the top 0.01% in history, who have access to food, lifestyle, and health care that is simply beyond the imagination of billions and convince them that somehow God is holding out on them… well, simply put: it’s evil, but brilliant in its effectiveness.

A pinch of middleman: Once the sense of lack has been created the swindler can move on to the next vital stage: convincing the dupe that he can access what God has been holding back only through his ministry. This can take a variety of forms: a love offering, a “seed”, a donation for a green handkerchief, etc., the versions are only limited to the creativity of the scammer. The only thing that is necessary at this point is something tangible that the person can do to access what God is holding back.

A mountain of immediate and future blessings: Maybe this is the most important ingredient, if not, it’s close. Perhaps, only those who have adopted the sort of heart disposition that cannot be thankful and grateful for the many ridiculous blessings they have to live in the twenty-first century on a continent like North America, but instead have filled their heart with greed  for more ‘stuff’, could fall for such an obvious scam. If you give to me and my ministry–which is really giving to God–then God will give you more, bless you abundantly, pressed down, shaken together, one-hundred fold. He will bless you until your cup overflows.

In ‘faith’ the mark hands over their money and the fraudster drives the Mercedes home to his mansion laughing all the way to the bank… literally.

Me? I’d rather point out the evil and abuse of people like Creflo Dollar who steal their sheeple’s money. Or the pastor who uses their bully pulpit to mentally or sexually abuse their congregation. But that’s me.

I hope I didn’t just bring the “blog curse” on myself!

8 Comments leave one →
  1. John permalink
    November 17, 2012 2:23 pm

    A brief word of caution. In this post you write, “Get real uppity about it: passive-aggressive behavior and threats work real well on the emotional and mental health of people who see you as the ‘man of Gawd.'” I realize you’re from Alberta, and that fact may mean you’re unaware of the subtext of the word “uppity” when applied to a person of color. Plainly stated, it’s an incredibly loaded term just chock full of know-your-place-and-stay-in-it racism, and, frankly, it detracts tremendously from your otherwise valid and important points. Please rectify this error.

    • November 20, 2012 8:15 am

      John, thanks for the information. Uppity is a word which I wouldn’t normally use because I would consider it very old-fashioned, but having spent nearly all my life in two countries, Australia and the UK, I can confirm that in neither place would it be considered to have any racial connotation whatsoever (like, it would seem, in Canada).

      Next time I’m in the States I’ll be sure not to use the word based on what you’ve said. I have no idea whether the author used the word in the sense you portray, but In a truly international forum such as the internet, can’t you see how it could be perceived as arrogance to expect people to tailor their writing style to meet liberal American cultural expectations and norms?

      I for one am glad the author hasn’t made any change (if it has no racial connotation in Canada).

  2. Silanga permalink
    November 20, 2012 5:46 am

    Uppity may be a ‘loaded’, unless its actually appropriately used to describe getting uppity. as it is here. Or to the overly-sensitive, all the time.

    • John permalink
      December 24, 2012 10:55 am

      I’m uncertain how pointing out the historical context of “uppity” when applied to a black man qualifies as overly sensitive. It’s possible, perhaps even likely, that the word has shed its racial undertones in the rest of the English-speaking world, but in the US it still carries a tremendous impact. So much so, in fact, that you run a high risk of overshadowing the point of your comments by using it. Since their are a number of acceptable synonyms, I don’t know why you would choose to alienate a significant portion of your potential audience.

      I hardly see how pointing out the above qualifies as over-sensitive unless by your estimation sensitivity of any sort in this instance meets your definition.

  3. November 21, 2012 10:43 pm

    Great post Scott. Just pressed it on my blog for my readers. I don’t care what Creflo thinks, I’m going to tell it like it is. Peace.

  4. Kymm permalink
    December 18, 2012 7:18 pm

    Actually I listened to Creflo’s message. As I am not a big fan I am a Christian. My suggestion is to be very careful. All of us are nothing more than sinners. By covering he did not mean covering up. He means covered the blood of Christ. We all fall from glory and hopefully God doesn’t reprimand us by tweeting and texting. I pray that you can look and listen to the way he meant his message and not the way you heard it. The world is in a very sad place right now and we all need to come together in Jesus. Peace be with you.


  1. The Facebook Curse
  2. Scamvangelist Creflo Dollar: Beware the Facebook Curse! | Dangerous Christian's Blog

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